03/17/14 Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Punta Cana, DO
1: Wondering > Pleas > Mr. Soul, C. Brown, Don't Want to Lose You, Worry, Papa Johnny Road, Aunt Avis, Second Skin > Goin' Out West
2: Old Neighborhood > Weight of the World, Rebirtha > Party at yo Mama's House > Stop Breakin' Down Blues, Big Wooly Mammoth > Holden Oversoul > Cream Puff War > Stop Go > Solid Rock
E: Down, Chainsaw City
[Soundcheck on 03/16/2014: 'It Ain't No Use'; 'She Caught The Katy']
Notes: SOLD
OUT | 9:30pm UTC / 8:30pm EST / 7:30pm CST / 6:30pm MST / 5:30pm PST | Panic En La Playa Tres | Download/CD of Show | Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Seating Chart | Seating Capacity: 3,200 (includes 1,791 rooms)