Lyrics and music by Widespread Panic
Transcribed by Alex Moura
John Belushi's brow
Bette Davis' eyes
With all our costumes now
Who do you
Who is we
Gonna wear your face on Halloween
There you'll be as scared as me
Shake your bones
Shake your bones
Boris Karloff's Stagger
Lon Chaney's howl
Dr. Jekyll's Hyde
We love our movie scars
Who do you
Who is we
Slip on your face on Halloween
You'll be as scared as me
Shake them bones
Shake your bones
Fettucini hair
With a cupcake chest
Fried chicken thighs
My prize to ingest
Who is you
Who do we be
Wear your face on Halloween
Your soul is delicious to me
Shake them bones
Shake them bones